
Felling site, Balvu county, 1380.36 m3, #1325 (re-auction)

Number of views: 1397

Atrašanās vieta Kubulu parish, Balvu county, Austrumlatgales region, Latvia
See on the map
Property cadastral reference: 38580030103
Cadastral polygon of the land parcel:
By clicking on the point, it is possible to view a 360° image of each area.
Total volume:
1380.36 m3
Species Total volume m3
Clear cut Plant cover Selective cutting
Spruce 334.12 111.10 15.70
Aspen 304.34 38.41 4.68
Brich 64.79 232.41 8.20
White alder 18.43 216.04 1.13
Black alder 22.53 7.17 1.31
Total 744.21 605.13 31.02
Distance to AGK: 1500.00 m
Logging conditions: Bad
Total area of felling sites: 10.93 ha
No. Deforestation type Total area ha
1. Plant cover 8.35
2. Clear cut 1.97
3. Selective cutting 0.61
Deforestation types: Clear cut
Selective cutting
Plant cover
Payment deadline: 23.01.2024
Logging deadline: 31.12.2024
Auction ended:
16.01.2024 11:00
Start price:
29 000.00
Final price:
35 700.00
Price growth: € 6 700.00
No. Bidder Time Bid EUR
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Aivars Mālnieks
Aivars Mālnieks
Person responsible for the deal

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