
e-Silva - Forest auctions

Your future partner in forest trade
Mežu izsoles privātpersonām

Dozens of companies compete to purchase each felling site and forest property, so an auction is a logical, transparent and legally safe way to sell your forest, in which the owner can receive the highest possible price for their land quickly and securely.

Mežu izsoles privātpersonām

Why choose e-silva?

Our experience will work in your favour
Sagatavošanas darbu veicējs

We can offer all forest property and/or felling site preparatory works at any level of difficulty to help prepare the object for a successful sale at auction.

Konkurence izsolē

The competition at the auction between 496 industry businesses integrated into the e-Silva system ensures the highest possible price.

Juridiskā drošība izsolē

Guaranteed legal security and support for the forest owner during the auction and transaction process. Each customer is offered an individual approach.

Skaidri, godīgi un iepriekš atrunāti nosacījumi izsolē

Clear and honest auction terms and commission fees which are agreed in advance.

How do I find out the price of the forest?

Each piece of felling site or forest property is a unique auction lot, so we offer an individual, professional, facts-based valuation before each auction.

View deals concluded in my region

Newest forest auctions

Successful auctions

Within the past year successfully concluded 260 transactions

Noslēgušās izsoles

Within the past year successfully concluded 260 transactions

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Meža pārdošana

How to sell a forest at an auction?

To begin working with us, there is no need to sort out any documentation. We complete all the necessary preparatory work to ensure that you can sell your felling site or forest property successfully.

More about the process


Companies that buy felling sites and forest properties in the e-silva system (496)

Latvijas Finieris
Latvijas valsts meži
R Grupa
Stiga RM
SIA Ošukalns

For businesses

If you are a business in the forestry industry, go to the section for legal entities.


Dēļu kaudze

Construction and log prices, timber market trends, and regulatory sanctions - forest industry news


Third-party companies are bypassing EU sanctions on Russian and Belarusian plywood, while US softwood log prices are set for an increase. China's plywood exports have risen by 24%. The EU has postponed the introduction of tariffs on US goods, and there are signs of recovery in Estonia's wood industry.

Read the whole article
SIA „Forest Mentor Group”

Reg. No. 40103908547
VAT Reg. No. LV40103908547
Registered office: Brīvības iela 64-3, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1011
Address of the head office: Hospitāļu 23-203, Rīga, LV-1013
Swedbank AB Code: HABALV22
Account: LV06HABA0551040284979

Contact us and find out about the opportunities that auctions can provide!

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