
Forest property, Rēzeknes county, 1.30 ha, #1486

Number of views: 1244

Atrašanās vieta Gaigalavas parish, Rēzeknes county, Austrumlatgales region, Latvia
See on the map
Property cadastral reference: 78540050019
Cadastral polygon of the land parcel:
By clicking on the point, it is possible to view a 360° image of each area.
Property area: 1.30 ha
Forest land area: 1.00 ha
Auction ended:
28.05.2024 10:00
Start price:
5 500.00
Final price:
5 600.00
Price growth: € 100.00
No. Bidder Time Bid EUR
In case of additional questions, contact

Aivars Mālnieks
Aivars Mālnieks
Person responsible for the deal

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