

  • Skujkoku cirsma un mizgrauži

    Felling site prices influenced by bark beetle

    According to previous forecasts, firewood continues a steady decline, with the price of aspen firewood reaching 50 euros per cubic meter. On the other hand, the prices of spruce and pine logs have reached equilibrium. The start of the new construction season and the absence of wood imports from Russia and Belarus, could create favorable conditions for the rise in the price of spruce and pine logs.

  • Meža ceļš ziemā

    As spring approaches firewood prices fall

    Stability continues in the wood market in February, with the price of firewood continuing a steady but slow decline. With the approach of the end of the heating season, the fall in the price of firewood is a logical result, and the trend is expected to continue in the upcoming months, with the price of firewood reaching its lowest point in May. Also, softwood sawlog prices remained unchanged in February, but the picture could change when the construction season resumes in the spring.

  • Skujkoku mežs ziemā

    Birch pulpwood prices are stabilizing

    Stability in the wood market characterizes the first month of this year, as wood prices have finally experienced only insignificant changes after the "roller coaster" of last year. Thanks to the atypically wet winter and reserves bought in the market fluctuations, there is more supply than demand and the energy wood prices are no longer continuing the downward trend they started.

  • Skujkoku mežs

    Wood prices from panic to a logical price

    At the beginning of 2022, there was a visible price increase in all assortments compared to 2021. The demand in the first quarters of the year was driven by panic and ignorance, but at the end of the year the situation normalized, with prices slowly stabilizing in line with the demand.

  • Dastota cirsma

    The prices of pulpwood and firewood changed

    Energy wood prices are experiencing a drop in November, however, as the colder winter months in Latvia approach, the demand may increase for a while under the influence of the average air temperature. Softwood and birch pulpwood, like energy wood, will tumble and decline before the price stabilizes. Similarly, the prices of softwood saw logs also decreased in November, which directly depends on the demand.