

  • Mežā ir iebraukusi e-silva automašīna

    The fall in wood prices in 2023

    The year is coming to an end, and the last few years have passed behind us, which were more turbulent than each other both in the world as a whole, and also in the forest industry, in the prices of logs. This period has been full of challenges and changes, where economic and geopolitical events have affected not only global markets, but also the dynamics of our local forest industry.

  • Meža vidū tiek būvēta koka būdiņā

    Sawlog prices in the decline due to construction

    The decline in construction volume has significantly reduced the need for construction materials in the Baltic Sea region, and as a result, the demand for various types of wood industry products has experienced a decline. Prices continued to fall in all market segments in Latvia's wood market in June.

  • Rīts priežu mežā

    Wood prices in the shadow of emergency situation

    The wood market in April and May was still dictated by the state of emergency declared at the beginning of April to fight the bark beetle. In accordance with the established restrictions of the emergency situation, spruce felling sites will be strictly limited until the end of June, which means that not only the volume of wood on the Latvian market is shrinking, but also the forest development industry is stagnating.

  • Skujkoku cirsma un mizgrauži

    Felling site prices influenced by bark beetle

    According to previous forecasts, firewood continues a steady decline, with the price of aspen firewood reaching 50 euros per cubic meter. On the other hand, the prices of spruce and pine logs have reached equilibrium. The start of the new construction season and the absence of wood imports from Russia and Belarus, could create favorable conditions for the rise in the price of spruce and pine logs.

  • Meža ceļš ziemā

    As spring approaches firewood prices fall

    Stability continues in the wood market in February, with the price of firewood continuing a steady but slow decline. With the approach of the end of the heating season, the fall in the price of firewood is a logical result, and the trend is expected to continue in the upcoming months, with the price of firewood reaching its lowest point in May. Also, softwood sawlog prices remained unchanged in February, but the picture could change when the construction season resumes in the spring.