

  • Dastota cirsma

    The prices of pulpwood and firewood changed

    Energy wood prices are experiencing a drop in November, however, as the colder winter months in Latvia approach, the demand may increase for a while under the influence of the average air temperature. Softwood and birch pulpwood, like energy wood, will tumble and decline before the price stabilizes. Similarly, the prices of softwood saw logs also decreased in November, which directly depends on the demand.

  • Pievešanas ceļš cirsmai

    Changes in the energy wood prices

    As a result of the overproduction of energy wood, wood prices in Latvia experienced a slight and most likely, temporary price drop at the beginning of November. On the other hand, in October the average price of pulpwood decreased by 2%. The price drop also continued in the segment of thick and medium softwood saw logs, which is mainly related to the decrease in the volume of production of construction products, which according to the data of the Central Statistics Office has fallen by 12.5% in the last nine months in Latvia.

  • Kailcirte

    The volumes of energy wood increases

    In September, despite the drop in demand the price of softwood sawlogs in Latvia remains almost unchanged. Due to the suspension of supplies from Russia and Belarus, the shortage of sawlogs is greater and keeps the price unchanged. Meanwhile energy wood and especially firewood is becoming more and more in demand.

  • Forvarders

    Logging prices in the private sector

    August was marked by a shortage of wood and rising logging costs, in addition to the geopolitical situation associated with rising fuel prices and insufficient availability of work opportunities. In the month of August, there was a noticeable drop in the price of softwood sawlogs. At the very end of the month there was a dramatic rise, as a result the average softwood price even increased by almost 4% for pine and 6% for spruce sawlogs. The prices of raw materials for firewood and pellets continue to rise moderately.

  • Koku augstumi cirsmā

    Pulpwood price records and market fluctuations

    In the first half of 2022, the price of wood in Latvia has experienced unprecedented fluctuations, starting with atypical price changes to an unfulfillable foreign demand for Latvian wood. Price fluctuations were closely related to the war in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia and Belarus.