Sawing and delivery service procurement
Logging services, Aizkraukles county, 189.15 m3, #1370 (re-procurement)
Number of views:
Daudzeses parish, Aizkraukles county, Sēlijas region, Latvia See on the map |
Property cadastral reference: | 32500040003 |
Cadastral polygon of the land parcel: |
By clicking on the point, it is possible to view a 360° image of each area.
Visualization of the timber delivery route (video)
Total volume:
Species | Total volume m3 | |
Continuous sanitary felling | ||
Brich | 142.59 (0.14) | |
Pine | 40.58 (0.63) | |
Spruce | 2.49 (0.09) | |
Aspen | 2.10 (0.18) | |
Black alder | 0.83 (0.17) | |
White alder | 0.56 (0.09) | |
Total | 189.15 |
Distance to AGK: | ||||||||||||||||
Undergrowth in felling site: | Average | |||||||||||||||
Terrain in felling site: | Average flat | |||||||||||||||
Logging conditions: | Bad | |||||||||||||||
Total area of felling sites: | 2.47 ha | |||||||||||||||
Deforestation type distribution |
Deforestation types: |
Continuous sanitary felling |
Procurement ended:
18.01.2024 14:00
Necessary services:
Sawing; Delivery
Submitted procurement offers
The procurement has ended without results!
In case of additional questions, contact
Normunds Valts Štolcers
Person responsible for the procurement