
Felling site, Rēzeknes county, 128.14 m3, #1581

Number of views: 210

Atrašanās vieta Stoļerovas parish, Rēzeknes county, Austrumlatgales region, Latvia
See on the map
Property cadastral reference: 78920020167
Cadastral polygon of the land parcel:
By clicking on the point, it is possible to view a 360° image of each area.
Total volume:
128.14 m3
Species Total volume m3
Clear cut
Spruce 77.51
Aspen 20.97
Brich 14.39
White alder 13.83
Oak, Ash 1.44
Total 128.14
Distance to AGK: 300.00 m
Logging conditions: Good - average
Total area of felling sites: 0.63 ha
No. Deforestation type Total area ha
1. Clear cut 0.63
Deforestation types: Clear cut
Payment deadline: 14.10.2024
Logging deadline: 31.12.2025
Auction end date:
08.10.2024 10:00
Start price :
6 000.00
Including commission
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Minimum increment: € 100.00
Maximum increment: € 5 000.00
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Aivars Mālnieks
Aivars Mālnieks
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