
Koklaukums Jēkabpils prices

SIA "Ošukalns"
Atrašanās vieta Bebru iela 104a, Jēkabpils, LV - 5201

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Species accepted at the roundwood purchase point


Bultiņa uz augšu Sleeper
Length m
(+0,1m oversize)
Diameter cm
18,0 + cm
2,8 m
2,9 m
5,8 m
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Length m
(+0,1m oversize)
Diameter cm
6,0 + cm
3,0 m
To see the prices of this roundwood purchase point, you need to log in here!

Length m
(+0,1m oversize)
Diameter cm
5,0 + cm
3,0 m
To see the prices of this roundwood purchase point, you need to log in here!

SIA "Ošukalns" buys: Pine - Sleeper, Pine - Pulpwood, Pine - Firewood, Spruce - Sleeper, Spruce - Pulpwood, Spruce - Firewood, Brich - Veneer logs, Brich - Tare logs, Brich - Pulpwood, Brich - Firewood, Black alder - Firewood, Other leaf trees - Firewood.

Other SIA "Ošukalns" roundwood purchase points

Rīgas osta
Ošukalns kokzāģētava
Koklaukums Rumbula

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