
Sawing and delivery, Smiltenes county, 665.19 m3, #1179

Times viewed: 2661

Atrašanās vieta Launkalnes parish, Smiltenes county, Ziemeļaustrumu region, Latvia
See on the map
Property cadastral reference: 94700050038
Cadastral polygon of the land parcels:
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Total volume:
665.19 m3
Species Total volume m3
Clear cut
Spruce 259.84 (0.14)
Pine 166.44 (0.55)
Brich 160.86 (0.12)
Aspen 47.62 (0.49)
Black alder 29.84 (0.12)
White alder 0.59 (0.20)
Total 665.19
Distance to AGK:
L.P. cadastral designation Plot Distance m
94700050038 12 350
94700050038 1; 2 750
94700060014 7 900
Undergrowth in felling site: Average
Terrain in felling site: Average flat
Logging conditions: Extreme
Total area of felling sites: 3.01 ha
No. Deforestation type Total area ha
1. Clear cut 3.01
Deforestation types: Clear cut
Procurement ended:
02.06.2023 16:00
Necessary services:
Sawing and delivery
Services available separately
No. Service
In case of additional questions, contact

Normunds Valts Štolcers
Normunds Valts Štolcers
Person responsible for the procurement
